
the disease is caused by Learn more about the disease is caused by

  • Radical cure of burnt tip and cultivation of strong seedling

    Radical cure of burnt tip and cultivation of strong seedling

    Radical cure of burnt tip and cultivation of strong seedling

  • Exploration on the Problems of Orchid Leaf Scorched Tip and Other Diseases (Illustration)

    Exploration on the Problems of Orchid Leaf Scorched Tip and Other Diseases (Illustration)

    Exploration on the Problems of Orchid Leaf Scorched Tip and Other Diseases (Illustration)

  • The reason that the orchid leaf tip blackens, how to do the orchid leaf blackening?

    The reason that the orchid leaf tip blackens, how to do the orchid leaf blackening?

    The reason that the orchid leaf tip blackens, how to do the orchid leaf blackening?

  • Do you know the common diseases of koi, Jinzhiyuan koi?

    Do you know the common diseases of koi, Jinzhiyuan koi?

    The blood disease of Jinzhiyuan brocade carp is mainly caused by fluorescent bacteria. The first move: 3% salt water bath for 15 seconds or strong chloroform 1ppm bath. Sterilization in the whole pool. The vertical scale disease of koi is mainly caused by Trichoderma punctatus infection. The water temperature in winter is low or.

  • Color of Chicken feces and Disease diagnosis

    Color of Chicken feces and Disease diagnosis

    Color of Chicken feces and Disease diagnosis

  • Two common causes of plant diseases

    Two common causes of plant diseases

    When raising horticultural plants, we often encounter a lot of plant diseases, but many flower lovers often do not know what causes plant diseases. In fact, finding out the cause can also be of great help to the treatment of plant diseases. The editor summarizes the two major causes of plant diseases for you.

  • What causes the disease when the conception rate of sows is low?

    What causes the disease when the conception rate of sows is low?

    What causes the disease when the conception rate of sows is low?

  • Diseases causing vomiting in pigs and their prevention and treatment

    Diseases causing vomiting in pigs and their prevention and treatment

    It is often seen in production that the symptoms of vomiting in pigs are sometimes considered as common gastrointestinal diseases, but we must pay attention to the fact that they may be caused by some infectious diseases. Here is a summary of the diseases that can cause vomiting in pigs. 1. Transmissible gastroenteritis is a highly contagious viral infectious disease characterized by vomiting, severe diarrhea and high mortality in piglets under 2 weeks of age. Although pigs of different ages are sensitive to the virus

  • Causes and control of three diseases of lettuce caused by black spot of downy mildew

    Causes and control of three diseases of lettuce caused by black spot of downy mildew

    Causes and control of three diseases of lettuce caused by black spot of downy mildew

  • The main reason for the scorched tip of orchid leaves

    The main reason for the scorched tip of orchid leaves

    Ye Zi is elegant, refreshing and fragrant, so she is called Ruyu. The blade of this grass is medium-short and drooping. The flower is big out of the shelf, the fragrance is strong, the side lobe is shallow, the tongue is flawless, and it is out of the shelf.

  • Common diseases and insect pests of anemone and their control, drug control is effective.

    Common diseases and insect pests of anemone and their control, drug control is effective.

    Plant diseases and insect pests are the most unwanted problems in the process of plant growth, and anemone is no exception. This kind of problem is very harmful to the plant, which will not only affect its ornamental, but also lead to the phenomenon of plant withering and death. About the common diseases and insect pests of anemone and how to control them

  • Bacterial diseases of koi carp

    Bacterial diseases of koi carp

    ① red skin disease (bleeding disease) symptoms: large area of skin congestion. Fish body surface no large area ulcer, thick swelling, only fin base, nostrils and other obvious redness, showing bloodshot. Ascites and rotten gills are present in the later stage. Pathogen and infection cause: caused by fluorescent extremely hairy bacilli, easy to infect. Unclean water quality, trauma, bait deterioration and so on will cause this disease, all year round will occur. Treatment: Soak the diseased fish in the original tank (pool) with 2ppm furacilin solution for several days continuously

  • What are the symptoms of flower diseases?

    What are the symptoms of flower diseases?

    Flowers, this is a lot of people like farming, but when flowers are sick, it is a headache, what are the symptoms of this flower physiological disease? What are the symptoms of flower physiological diseases: the first is leaf discoloration. Leaf color becomes light, or yellow or white

  • What are the types of silkworm diseases?

    What are the types of silkworm diseases?

    Silkworm diseases can be divided into two categories, one is infectious diseases, the other is non-communicable diseases. All diseases caused by the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria and fungi are infectious diseases, which can be transmitted to healthy silkworms through diseased silkworm, which is an important factor affecting sericulture production. All diseases caused by arthropods (fly maggots, lice mites), pesticide poisoning and mechanical trauma are called non-communicable diseases, which can not cause the disease of healthy silkworms by sericulture, and it is also an important factor affecting sericulture production.

  • Causes and control methods of yellowing and blackening of orchid leaves

    Causes and control methods of yellowing and blackening of orchid leaves

    Orchid diseases occur all the year round, especially in summer with high humidity and high temperature, which is not only the peak season of orchid, but also the season of high incidence of orchid diseases and insect pests, and the most distressing season for orchid lovers.

  • Identification of plant abiotic pathogens and their resulting diseases (physiological diseases)

    Identification of plant abiotic pathogens and their resulting diseases (physiological diseases)

    Identification of plant abiotic pathogens and their resulting diseases (physiological diseases)? In the process of plant growth and development, unsuitable physical factors, chemical factors and air pollution, pesticide toxicity and plant own physiological defects or genetic diseases can lead to abiotic diseases caused by abiotic pathogens.

  • Identification of plant abiotic pathogens and their resulting diseases (physiological diseases)

    Identification of plant abiotic pathogens and their resulting diseases (physiological diseases)

    Identification of plant abiotic pathogens and their resulting diseases (physiological diseases)? In the process of plant growth and development, unsuitable physical factors, chemical factors and air pollution, pesticide toxicity and plant physiological defects or hereditary diseases are all

    2020-11-09 Plant non - biological pathogen and its caused disease identification
  • How to treat peach tree gum

    How to treat peach tree gum

    Peach tree gum may be peach tree gum disease, this disease will overflow on the branches of translucent sticky soft glue, serious can lead to branch death. How to treat peach tree gum? First, how to treat the glue from the peach tree? scrape off the glue and apply it to protect the tree.

    2020-11-08 Peach tree gum how treat peach tree maybe fruit tree
  • Questions and answers on Gardnerellosis of fox mink

    Questions and answers on Gardnerellosis of fox mink

    1 how to make sure that the fur animal has an infectious disease? A: ① infectious diseases are caused by pathogenic microorganisms, and each infectious disease has its own specific pathogenic microorganisms. For example, canine distemper is caused by canine distemper virus infection of paramyxoviridae, fox encephalitis is caused by canine adenovirus infection, and mink Aleutian disease is caused by Aleutian virus infection of paramyxovirus family. Pasteurellosis is caused by Pasteurella multocida infection, which needs to be confirmed by pathogen isolation and identification, immunological diagnosis and so on. ② infectious disease equipment

  • Causes and prevention methods of duck paralysis

    Causes and prevention methods of duck paralysis

    Causes and prevention methods of duck paralysis
